Monday, April 25, 2011

Food of Southern Azerbaijan

Southern Azerbaijan has traditional foods that have been around for quite a while. One of the most traditional foods is Dolma which basically means "stuffed". This includes stuffed peppers, stuffed grape leaves, stuffed cabbage leaves, apple, tomato, pepper, quince, onion, eggplant, and a type of vegetable called a evelik.

Another traditional food is kebabs. The different types of kebabs include berg kebab, soltani kebab, Juje (or dwarf chick) kebab, liver kebab, tomato kebab, Bonab kebab (named after a city in Azerbaijan), tail kebab, kebab in pan and Kubide kebab.

Another dish that is eaten primarily in the winter is soup. These are made mostly in the winter because the soups are thought to have healing powers. Some of the soups include yoghurt, ayran (derived from yoghurt), noodle, sour soup, semolina soup, scarlet soup, boiled sheep's head soup, fruit soup, and tomato soup.

Lastly, another traditional food is meatballs. The Tabriz and the Rize meatballs are the most common ones. Meatballs are often stuffed with fried onions, dried apricots, cooked eggs, walnuts and other flavors. Some of the staple spices that are used in traditional dishes include saffron, cumin, turmeric, thyme, red and black pepper, ginger, mint and dried roses.

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